Takoyaki, or Octopus Balls, are one of Japan’s best-known street food originated in Osaka. "It gets along with Sake. Let's enjoy...
Perfect match with Beers and drinks!Easy arrange recipe is here for you. Let's make a refreshing appetizer for your family...
How many types of sushi do you know? The most common kinds of sushi in Japan include Nigiri Sushi, Maki...
Only tem minutes to serve! Authentic Chinese-inspired Japanese dish with our Original Takowasabi. Level ★★☆☆☆ Defrost before cooking: Tako Wasabi ...
Onigirazu- the word combined with Onigiri(Rice ball) and nigirazu(no need to shape with your hand), is becoming more and more...
Super easy 5 min Donburi ! "Donburi" is a Japanese dish where cooked or uncooked ingredients are served over a...
Ochazuke is a traditional light meal in Japan. It’s a little like rice soup. It is similar to porridge but we do not cook...
When you feel lazy to cook, this recipe is for you. Our delicious quick and easy recipes you can make...